
Showing posts from July, 2018


Electronic Sounds


Buzz buzz boom boom

Latin Dance


Electric guitar, bass, drums...

Synths and Drums

Dance Beat

More Beatz

New Beatz

This Beatz


More Synths Again

Warning: contains high pitched sounds

Even More Synths

More Synths

Bongo Beatz

Synth Beatz

Learning the nature of synths

Morer Drums



That's what I titled the project file before I started.

Drums and Guitar E Minor

Drums and Guitar

More Drums

Drums and Guitar

Drums Test

Tweaking the settings on my new drum kit


Thrash Drums and Dischordant Guitarz

Koto Madness

These beats are not from Switzerland.

Bun-dun-dunnunununn Nunn, Doorb

Untitled as FUDGE!!!LOLROFL

12-Bar Blues


The lead guitar sounds exactly like shit I've already made. Oh well...



Shakers and Groove

Some More Shit

Some Shit

Guitars in C Major

This is bare bones, but when I tried to add to it, everything sounded sickeningly happy. I shouldn't have chosen C Major for heavy guitars.

Guitarzz and Drumzzz

Rock Shit

Slow Strings

Fast Drums, Slow Guitar

E Minor Again

A Phrygian

C Major

E Minor

E Minor Solo

C Minor

C Major

D Major

E Minor

Lydian E

Phrygian A

I like this mode.

A Minor

I finally figured out some obvious shit about music theory and employed it in this song. Have a listen.

Petey MkNuttz Rap

Stupid hip-hop recorded with a shitty microphone

Also Untitled

More of the same basically

Nigga Mothafucka

Don't ask any questions. Just accept.

Guitars Test 80 or something

I tweaked some settings with my amp plugins and got a better sound than before with certain guitar samplers. This is the result.

Heavy Bass

New Amps Test

New Guitar Test

Testing out a new virtual guitar setup

Drums and Guitar

Other Thing (aka Thing 23)

Some Thing

Guitar Riff 5

Guitar, Bass, and Drums

Guitar and Base

I haven't employed my Rickenbacker sampler in a while, so here goes.

Assorted Riffs in Sequence

Dorian C Piano

This is about as basic as it gets, but I wanted to understand something about modes. I kind of do now.

Dance Music

I bet you could jig to this.

Y2K Was Bullshit.

Phrygian C

Untitled Y901

Phrygian C Rhythm


Something or other

Rock beat

I meant to do more with this one, but I'll probably never get around to it. Here's what I have.

Untitled 5064

Groove July 7

Piano Shit

Guitar Test 03

New Guitar Test 02

New Guitar Test

Testing out new electric guitar virtual instruments

New Metal