
Showing posts from 2022

Surf Metoll

A rough recording of a song idea put to some drums. I'm playing guitar and bass.

Sweete Songs of Borks

I made these two tracks and music videos a couple of years ago and only got around to putting them up here today. Borkin' Dirty, a parody of Chamillionaire's Ridin': Audio: Video: Gabe Borking in E Major: Audio: Video:

Early 2021 Music

Here are songs I created in early 2021. I did not upload anything for two years, so I'm back-logged. I have, however, released one EP on Spotify (The Mrow), and have another EP set to release April 2nd, 2022 (OHAI). I'm currently going through old files and posting songs that are finished from the last two years. Techno song in D Minor: Drooomxx: Boss theme from Kirby's Dreamland on electric guitar (sampler guitar, not live):